Why PK has my Vote.

It is so disheartening that for the third time in six years, MO Ibrahim Foundation has withheld its Leadership Award for lack of a suitable candidate.
The brainchild of this initiative is Sudanese born British mobile communications entrepreneur and billionaire. He is the founder of Celtel, which at the time of selling, had over 24 million mobile phone subscribers in 14 African countries.
Mo Ibrahim
This prestigious annual award is set to be awarded to a democratically elected African leader who during his term, helped improve the quality of life in his/her country, promoted good governance and development, and have left office at the end of his term in accordance with the constitution. It carries a state prize of $5 Million and an annual payment for life of U.S. $200,000. 
Since its establishment in 2007,only three former African leaders have won;Joaqim Chissano,former president of Mozambique in 2005,Festus Mogae,former president of Botswana in 2008 and former Cape Verde President,Pedro Pires in 2011.
Now, one would wonder why this award, the most valuable in the world, wouldn’t act as an incentive to African leaders for improvement. Could corruption, which is what ails Africa, be of higher value than this award?
As Mo continues to wait to find a worthy leader for the Leadership Award, I am quite pessimistic that this will not happen any sooner, given the leaders we have and those we may have in future.
Take our country for example.
In less than five months, Kenya will elect her 4th President in what is expected to be a milestone after the passing of the new constitution in 2010.Many Kenya’s are hopeful that next year's election will be free and fair, and that political participation will improve tremendously.

Today as I watched Peter Kenneth launch his Presidential bid, I couldn't help but wonder whether this is our own Obama. Accompanied by his beautiful family, endorsed by his courageous, eloquent 19 year old son and by his boss in the Planning Ministry, Hon.Oparanya,PK was audacious,  so energetic and vibrant. He did not even need a teleprompter! I couldn't believe this is the man who has been dubbed by those who don't believe in his policies as 'un-popular'.
Not only did he identify four key sectors that he would focus on to change the lives of Kenyans (Manufacturing,Agriculture,Tourism and IT),but also promised to ensure that the new constitution has been fully implemented, judiciary reforms accelerated amongst others.
As you’d expect, his speech has caused a lot of excitement on social media, and almost everyone is speaking about him now. But one notable thing with Kenyans is that we have the memory of a goldfish; we forget so quickly. We will soon forget what he said and continue swaying alongside tribal waves, even as we know that this is what has been ailing our country.
Going by his slogan,Tunaesmake,its clear that he is seeking the youth vote(just as the other candidates are doing).I must say, watching him shake a leggy to Jua Cali’s Mimi ni baba yao,shows just how energetic this guy is, a good indicator of how he will tackle problems, should he be given a chance.
Now that as many are promising to give him their vote, let me put down five reasons why I will give my vote to this guy.I do not care if it gets lost when I do so, but I do care to give Peter Kenneth a chance to lead Kenya; I will give him my vote for the sake of Kenya, for my own sake, for the sake of my children, and for the sake of future Kenyan generations.

Family Values; It is undisputable that a man who is loyal to his wife, is devoted to his children and family and upholds family values is an ideal candidate. This is based on the foundation of the faith and experiences of the person. Though it was the first time that PK was exposing his family, going by his son's speech, I can tell he is a dedicated husband and father. Not only would this be beneficial to a President since he needs an image, but it could do good to our poor Kenyan man image.PK will, if elected, be a great role model family man.

Intergrity;One trait that makes a great leader is his courage to do what is best for all and  his ability to remain consistent with his values while doing so, never compromising them for personal gain.PK has repeatedly assured that he is not going to compromise his values by joining non-reformers, and that he is not joining any political alliance .At first I thought this was selfish of him, but I now know that he is right; he knows those seeking alliances so well sand  knows that if it walks like a duck, looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, then it is probably a duck.

Decision Maker; Going by his track record in his Gatanga constituency, I am assured that PK is a man who can be able to make right and informed decisions, even while being surrounded by people who  do not share or agree with his views. During his speech, Hon Minister Wyclif Oparanya described him as ambitious disciplined, committed to his work and non-tribal. Oparanya being PK's boss therefore proves to us that PK believes in team work and consults with those in his team.

 Confidence; Decision making calls for strong self-confidence. With Kenya being in a state of stagnated growth, we need a President who is bold enough to inspire confidence in people so as to overcome challenges and move towards achieving Vision 2030. Even though Kenya has vast human and natural resources, there are impediments that make us lag behind. These includes poor infrastructure, human rights, rule of law,development,personal safety,welfare,health,education  policies and lack  full participation in political processes. Such decisions can only be made by a leader who believes in good governance and is accountable; PK has proved his accountability in Gatanga Constituency

Achievement/goal oriented;PK has great ambitions for this country, and this comes from his personal experience. When I look at him, I see a man without an ego, one who is not afraid to be surrounded by brilliant minds and a great listener. This means he is open minded; willing to learn new things and take advice. I know he is where he is today, not because of luck, but through hard work and determination. What about his background? Having overcome the challenges in life, having been raised by a single mother in a modest eastern estate (Bahati), PK has proven that when we have the will, we can beat all odds and rise to the highest. He wasn’t born on a silver platter and doesn’t ride on anyone’s glory. He has, as Shakespeare would put it, achieved greatness. He is what we call a real Kenyan dream model.

As Election Day approaches, I can only hope that Kenyans will for the first time vote for change, and for the first time come out of their tribal cocoons. That they will prove that they care so much about our country rather than for some few individuals who are experts in making empty promises, that they will vote for leaders who are not tied by a sense of self-entitlement, leaders who are not afraid to rise, not for their personal gain but for the problems of common mwananchi.It is time for a responsible and accountable leader, one who can assure an excellent leadership, which will in turn, pay the hard work that Mo Ibrahim has been doing; telling the truth about Africa and making the world believe in her.
One such leader is, for me, none other than Peter Kenneth.



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