Lessons Kenyans can learn from the US election
So excitement is looming all over following the re-election of Barry for a second term,saving him the pain of being a one-term president like his friend Sarko,former French President.Despite the bad economic situation in the US of A,Hurricane Sandy and disappointments after he failed to fulfill the promises he made in 2008,President Obama emerged the winner early this morning.
Being re-elected during such difficult times proves that Obama was picked as the least worst of the two; a good electoral judgement.
So unpredictable was this election,given the economic downturn,that many looked at it as an electonomics,since the main issue was economy.
You will agree with me that Barry was re-elected while unemployement was at its highest ever in the American history,and so the question is,if the President hasn't done anything about the economy,then why was he re-elected?
A few lessons can be learnt;
1.For the candidates
Know your audience,well.
Are you,as an American better off than you were four years ago?This was Mitt Romney's theme question,and your guess is as good as mine;most Americans had economy as the top issue.But when it came to voting,the Americans, just like the French did five months ago,were looking for a presidential candidate who identifies with them.They were looking for a candidate who understands their concerns and cares about people like themselves.
Lesson Learnt;As election date approaches,its upto Kenyans to decide who amongst the Presidential candidates identifies with them.Its a high time people realized that where that person comes from doesn't matter.What matters is what that person believes in,and what he can do for the country.

Facts do matter,and you can find them;We all had to wait for long hours,even despite the time difference, to listen to the long, boring presidential debates.Not many people can remember what was said during the debates ,and we all know that what was said was not all gospel truth(remember the 'binders full of women'?).TV ads or some cheap graffitti is not what made President Obama win neither.Those who voted for him must have done some research about him;who he is,what he believes in,his policies,etc.
Lesson learnt.;Voters should do their research,should i call it due -diligence?With the internet,its as simple as ABC!Just google a candidate, do a thorough research and get to know about their positions.Then do a reasoned and carefully considered analysis of each candidate.That is the only way you can make a decision,a wise and informed one,about a candidate.No serious voter should be wooed by how loud the mouth of a candidate is,when we have all the information,just a click AWAY!
Leadership Role is not just important BUT is also a MUST;Call it fate or whatever you want to,and with all due respect to the victims and those who lost their lives in the Hurricane Sandy(God bless their souls),this must have been one reason why Obama won;yes,by acting as a 'comforter-in chief'.This show-cased a great leadership skill in the President.
Lesson learnt;I am not saying that we should have a disaster just before our polls to pick the best suitable candidate,but i think any candidate wanting to take the leadership of this country should be evaluated on what they did/do/would do in the new role(presidential).We have had enough disasters;the 2008 disputed elections that bred the IDPs,Tana River massacre,Sinai fire etc you can name it.What did each of the candidate do during that time?Did they use that opportunity for their selfish political gains or did they take a leading role to show what they,as a leader of the country, could do?Let those who want to be president SHOW us what they can do in their new role,and not TELL us. Let them start by showing us what they have done in their constituency.
Internet/Social Media,if used efficiently and effectively is productive.Not only did Team Obama use the social media to reach actual and potential voters,but also used it effectively;potraying Obama as a 'cool' President who deserved to be voted.They created social communities and worked hard to make them understand how their interest were being taken care of.
Lesson learnt;I must admit that Kenyans,when it comes to social media,are so full of primitive and negative energy!Instead of using this platform to tell others who you think is cool,deserves to be voted and encourage each other to vote for him,many youths are using it as a platform to spread hate and showcase their tribal positions.I mean,this is not only trivial but ridiculous!Before you waste that energy on spreading hatespeech about a candidate,ask yourself how it is going to be beneficial to you in the next five years.Infact,showing support for a candidate based on his tribal profile shows how backward one is;and anyone doing so should keep that opinion to themselves!!!Think beyond tribal profiling!We are in the 21st century!
Use the internet WISELY;create communities who share same interests and ideas with you to spread good,not stupid opinions!
Yes,many Kenyans do not like to talk about politics,but my question is,if it is so,why was everyone so excited about the American elections?Why all the updates?I mean,can we stop being hypocrites of hear no evil but do more evil?Bad leaders are elected by those who do not vote;if you need a better Kenya,roll your sleeves and start laying the bricks,noone is going to do it for you!!
In the meantime,enjoy the creativity of Kenyans!!!
Being re-elected during such difficult times proves that Obama was picked as the least worst of the two; a good electoral judgement.
So unpredictable was this election,given the economic downturn,that many looked at it as an electonomics,since the main issue was economy.
You will agree with me that Barry was re-elected while unemployement was at its highest ever in the American history,and so the question is,if the President hasn't done anything about the economy,then why was he re-elected?
A few lessons can be learnt;
1.For the candidates
Know your audience,well.
Are you,as an American better off than you were four years ago?This was Mitt Romney's theme question,and your guess is as good as mine;most Americans had economy as the top issue.But when it came to voting,the Americans, just like the French did five months ago,were looking for a presidential candidate who identifies with them.They were looking for a candidate who understands their concerns and cares about people like themselves.
Lesson Learnt;As election date approaches,its upto Kenyans to decide who amongst the Presidential candidates identifies with them.Its a high time people realized that where that person comes from doesn't matter.What matters is what that person believes in,and what he can do for the country.
Power of a superior Campaign team.We all saw those youths who worked day and night, canvassing,even on election day to campaign for President Obama.All these young people were willing to volunteer,to give everything they could for the sake of supporting a candidate who share the same beliefs and interests as themselves.
Lesson Learnt;Any candidate hoping to succeed should work with local volunteers,since they are not only going to make you look good by working good and on time,but they will also tell other people how great you are,therefore attracting more people to you.Such a team should have skills to help fundraise,send messages,plan strategically,micro-target voters and respond effectively to issues or any attacks directed to the candidate. No candidate should remain INACCESSIBLE in this digital era!N.B, Bad news travel faster than good news on the internet!
Youth vote counts;President Obama's victory wouldn't have been without the youth vote.In 2008,he got the youth's vote after promising them change and hope. Change from a bad economic situation to prosperity,Hope for a better future. Although he may not have delivered his promises,the youth did show their resilience and willingness to give him a chance,a chance to deliver.
Lesson learnt;Let no candidate underestimate the power of the youth vote;Young people understand that the impact of today's election will have a higher impact on them in the long run.For the youths,look for a presidential candidate who can deliver change and hope,not the one who can deliver money during campaigns.Look for a performer.
2.For the voter

Facts do matter,and you can find them;We all had to wait for long hours,even despite the time difference, to listen to the long, boring presidential debates.Not many people can remember what was said during the debates ,and we all know that what was said was not all gospel truth(remember the 'binders full of women'?).TV ads or some cheap graffitti is not what made President Obama win neither.Those who voted for him must have done some research about him;who he is,what he believes in,his policies,etc.
Lesson learnt.;Voters should do their research,should i call it due -diligence?With the internet,its as simple as ABC!Just google a candidate, do a thorough research and get to know about their positions.Then do a reasoned and carefully considered analysis of each candidate.That is the only way you can make a decision,a wise and informed one,about a candidate.No serious voter should be wooed by how loud the mouth of a candidate is,when we have all the information,just a click AWAY!
Leadership Role is not just important BUT is also a MUST;Call it fate or whatever you want to,and with all due respect to the victims and those who lost their lives in the Hurricane Sandy(God bless their souls),this must have been one reason why Obama won;yes,by acting as a 'comforter-in chief'.This show-cased a great leadership skill in the President.
Lesson learnt;I am not saying that we should have a disaster just before our polls to pick the best suitable candidate,but i think any candidate wanting to take the leadership of this country should be evaluated on what they did/do/would do in the new role(presidential).We have had enough disasters;the 2008 disputed elections that bred the IDPs,Tana River massacre,Sinai fire etc you can name it.What did each of the candidate do during that time?Did they use that opportunity for their selfish political gains or did they take a leading role to show what they,as a leader of the country, could do?Let those who want to be president SHOW us what they can do in their new role,and not TELL us. Let them start by showing us what they have done in their constituency.
Internet/Social Media,if used efficiently and effectively is productive.Not only did Team Obama use the social media to reach actual and potential voters,but also used it effectively;potraying Obama as a 'cool' President who deserved to be voted.They created social communities and worked hard to make them understand how their interest were being taken care of.
Lesson learnt;I must admit that Kenyans,when it comes to social media,are so full of primitive and negative energy!Instead of using this platform to tell others who you think is cool,deserves to be voted and encourage each other to vote for him,many youths are using it as a platform to spread hate and showcase their tribal positions.I mean,this is not only trivial but ridiculous!Before you waste that energy on spreading hatespeech about a candidate,ask yourself how it is going to be beneficial to you in the next five years.Infact,showing support for a candidate based on his tribal profile shows how backward one is;and anyone doing so should keep that opinion to themselves!!!Think beyond tribal profiling!We are in the 21st century!
Use the internet WISELY;create communities who share same interests and ideas with you to spread good,not stupid opinions!
Yes,many Kenyans do not like to talk about politics,but my question is,if it is so,why was everyone so excited about the American elections?Why all the updates?I mean,can we stop being hypocrites of hear no evil but do more evil?Bad leaders are elected by those who do not vote;if you need a better Kenya,roll your sleeves and start laying the bricks,noone is going to do it for you!!
In the meantime,enjoy the creativity of Kenyans!!!