Just How Many Deaths Does Kenya Need To Spark A Revolution?

On December17th this year,it will be exactly two years since Mohamed Bouazizi,a 26 year old man who owned a vegetable stand in Tunisia, set himself on fire to protest the government's repression.Bouazizi had a University degree,but after failing to secure work since he did not know anyone in the system,he set up the produce stand to cater for his family of eight.Even after being pushed that far by a corrupt government that never cared about the interests of its citizens,his troubles didn't end there;the local police kept harrassing him and stopping him from selling his produce on the streets.One day,after a confrontation with a policewoman who did not only slap him but also spat on his face and cursed his dead father,Bouazizi went to the provincial administration to seek help,but he could not be seen.He could not be listened. He could not be heard.He was frustrated.He had had enough.He did not know how much he was going to have since he did not know anyone.He therefore set him...