Give Mohammed Ali Iteere's Post And Expect Great Results

He validates Martin Luther King Jr words that,"If a man is called to be a street-sweeper, he should sweep streets even as Michelangelo painted, or Beethoven composed music, or Shakespeare wrote poetry. He should sweep streets so well that all the hosts of heaven and earth will pause to say, 'Here lived a great street-sweeper who did his job well.'"
Watching Moha doing his job,one cannot avoid to notice how interested he is in his job and the great passion he puts in what he does.Passion refers to energy,which can be physical,emotional,mental or spiritual.The fact that he captures every single detail and pursues all clues he is convinced will lead him where he wants to get shows passion.It is also obvious that he works outside the 8h-5h normal working schedule.
Its convincing that he believes strongly in what he does;seeking justice and would give up his own security,his own life to advance a cause he so believes in.
His innovation cannot go unnoticed;he has his objectives set and will not hesitate to try out different approaches or adapting approaches to suit situations.In the Paruwanja La Mihadarati,we see him going an extra mile to seek information from the Artur brothers,just so that he can get the right facts.
The motivation he has while doing his job is evident too.He doesn't seem at anytime intimidated or bored to do his work,even after he was implicated in a phone scandal.He has his mind set,has the right attitude and vigour which cannot allow him to throw in the towel.
At one time while investigating Raju,he proposes him a house(indirectly),and yet he doesn't accept that offer.He is set do his job and corruption is not what will stand on his way.
Most of us can remember that Moha got married sometimes last year.He has to give up on everything,even leaving a newly married wife to pursue his cause.

Whilst Iteere maybe having the necessary skills needed for his job, he lacks purpose and passion in carrying out his duties.He has proved over time that he is incompetent unlike his pragmatic predecessor Mjr.Ali.
Successful people have been known to possess great passion in their work;Steve Jobs is a clear example.Unfortunately for many of us,we do our jobs as a means to an end;work and earn money for a living.Some times back,our Members of Parliament spent close to an hour trying to define passion,and one woman MP said that a woman's passion can only be seen at night.
This also goes to each one of us;how much do you love your job?Are you the type who get bored Monday morning and get jovial come Friday?If so,you are lacking PASSION.