Unravelling The Mzungu Mentality To My Young Sisters In The Institutions of Higher Learning
Kenya is a well-known touristic destination for all
the good reasons; beautiful landscape, wonderful and breathtaking wildlife safari,
beautiful coastal beaches with good climatic conditions as well as of her
hospitable and welcoming people amongst others.
For the few years that I have been living in France,
I enjoy taking every available ‘Kenyan moment’ which comes across as a way of representing
the brand Kenya; Be it in the annual Paris Marathon where I love cheering the
Kips and Cheps (as I fondly refer to them) to the finishing line while
answering numerous queries from astonished Frenchmen who want to know why, and
how in every marathon, it has to be a Kenyan who wins. Vous savez Monsieur, si
à quatre ans vous avez dû marcher 10 kms à et de l'école, il est seulement
évident que vous devenez les meilleurs coureurs du monde Is always the
response I give, simply meaning;You know sir, if at the age of four you had to
walk 10 km to and from school, it is only obvious that you become the best
runners in the world! And no doping!!!
The annual Paris
Trade Fair is another great avenue I use to sell Kenya as I give a hand at the
Kenyan stands that showcase great Kenyan handicraft, curio, accessories etc.
Sometimes I get surprised at just how fascinated and informed many people are
about Kenya.Oui, ça je connais. Ça viens
du Kenya (Yes I know this! This comes from Kenya, I saw/bought that when I
was in Kenya, etc.)We then take to discussing about their experiences when they
visited, a documentary they watching about the Maasais, a beautiful giraffe carving
they bought and the list is endless. But almost all conversations are closed on
one agreement; Kenya is a wonderful country. ‘You are so lucky to have such a
beautiful country’, is what most of them say as they leave, with a gentle pat on
my back.
Tourism earns Kenya a high foreign exchange, and it
remains the most important industry in the economy. Despite all the economic
benefits that comes with tourism, it has some downsides too, notably sex
tourism that targets underage children especially at the Kenyan coast. There is
definitely a ready market for both male and female tourists, especially since
at the coast, many children drop out of school to engage in the more profitable
sex trade. Many factors have been cited as great drivers of sex tourism, among
them poverty, illiteracy and family break ups.It is therefore imperative for
strict measures to be undertaken to curb any kind of sex tourism especially
those that target underage and vulnerable children.
Even as we blame illiteracy for sex tourism, the
recent case of young college going women who were caught engaging in weird
sexual activities and shooting pornographic movies points out to the fact that
even well informed young people go into it, despite the knowledge all the risks
involved. Their story has been the most trending topic on social media, with
the media exposing their faces and revealing their true identity. Their actions
are being condemned in the strongest terms, and everyone wondering just how our
morals and caution have been thrown to the wind.
A foreigner, a Swedish national is believed to have
been carrying out these illegal activities and luring these young women in them.
Many people therefore feel that it is the fault of foreigners, especially white
men, mzungus that these women indulge
in such.
But recently, it has become evident that many young
women in Kenya have a special liking for white men, since, according to them,
they splash them with money and gifts unlike their Kenyan counterparts.Older women are not left out neither;it is not unusual to hear a friend from home ask,'Hey,did you get a mzungu'? Or ask if you get get her one since all Kenyan good men are either taken or dead,and because she needs 'dollars'.
The other day, some young women from Strathmore
University were left in a restaurant by a white man with a heavy bill to foot
after they allegedly partook of an expensive dinner, at the invite of one of them,
the man’s girlfriend. To even think that these girls choose to accompany
complete strangers to isolated places/hotels is alarming; why would one trust a
total stranger with their life?Remember,a foreigner can take advantage of his anonymity,
since their identity may not be known, to commit crimes, leaving you at risk.
If you have to go out with your catch, please select crowded /frequented places
where you can get help should anything happen.
What most of
these young women should know is that the much different western culture doesn’t
rhyme with our African socialism culture; in most cases, when a potential date
invites you for dinner, payment is on a 50/50 basis or a pay-as-you-ate basis!
There is nothing about ‘the man provides/pays’; everyone takes his/her
Young girls, do not think that a white man, mzungu is a cash cow and an ultimate
economic solution. A white man, mzungu,
is not a synonym of wealth; if you find one who is spending heavily during his holiday,
quickly do your math and convert euros to shillings to understand why he seems
rich or wealthy! He could be working very hard in life to earn a living, maybe
doing some menial jobs in his country, and has probably been saving for all his
life to go on that holiday. Get this clear too; money does not grow on trees in
the white man’s land!
True, life in college is fun especially due to the
freedom that comes with it, and hard, especially when you want to be trendy and
keep up with peer pressure. But my dear sisters, work hard. Do not succumb to peer
pressure. Soon you will be done with your studies and your efforts will be
rewarded with a good job, and henceforth, you will be able to live the life you
have always desired to live, with your dignity intact.
Kenyans arent fantastic runners because they walk long distances to school every day. Its because Kalejins, one of the many tribes of kenya, have evolved special ligaments and tendons in their heels which are superior to normal runners, and enable a certain bounce when they run, causing them to be superior runners. Even the Ugandan winner last year at the marathon was named Kiprotich - a kale surname.