Annoying Traits in Women to discard in 2012
It is already mid January and some people like myself still find it okey to greet others with the Happy New Year salutations.
Well,i'd be justified to do since i haven't blogged since November last year.Welcome back to my blog and let us continue calling it as we see it even in 2012.
The year has started on a rather sad note for Kenyan women or should we call it 2012 The Year of the Kenyan Woman?Being a woman,i have noted that there are some serious annoying traits that need to be discarded if we still have to retain our dignity as women.
First it was with those brave or should i call them daring women who decided to literally 'jump the year'with their poor husbands.To say less,the economy has been so harsh of late that due to frustration that women get from not having a chance to knead chapati,they transfer that precious energy to kneading their husbands.Perhaps they feel that these hubbies are not doing enough to cater for their needs,and can't comprehend why their men cannot deliver.I did not find it amusing neither would i justify such an act;women we need to have better ways of upping our game.We need to see dignity in women,not desperation.If you happen to have the advantage of having some extra pounds just because you stay at home as he provides,and you get to eat all the meat as he helps himself with sukumawiki,please give the guy the respect he deserves.You will not get into the Guiness Book of Record for potraying your prowess of dismantling and tattoing your man with your dental formula.
Then there is the second lot of desperate women who are out to prove gender or should i call it SEXUAL REVOLUTION?This women are doing all in their means to compete and undertake men.They say what a man can do,a woman can do even better.They are always out there struggling to outdo men,from the way they walk,the car they drive,the number of bars they frequent and the Ruaraka waters that they can gulp.Now,who lied to them that to be a feminist you have got to behave like a man?You can still be a woman who is better than a man without competition.For heavenly sake stop this crazy revolution.
Another group that needs to go be extincted are the younger women,probably 16yrs-18yrs,college going who have embraced the technology era with much enthusiasm than the pioneers of technology themselves.These young,beautiful endowed women are desperate for fame and will do anything to get it;be it dancing dirty with some cheap musician who has been banned to perform in their own country to begging for ONS with some celebrities.Now since when did women start calling shots?and especially so bootycalls?I am surprised by the number of Facebook pages exposing women's assets and asking for public rating.The cutest butt in Kenya,Haga za KU,Beautiful Kenyan Women,i would never exhaust all of them here.Why do these young women think that being a woman means being appreciated and known for what you have?and for that matter physical assets?sex prowess?And you still hear women in their 30s and 40s complaining that there are no men to marry them?Just let us go back and see where the rain started beating us;many men and the world in general will respect a woman for who she is,and as for the women,you get what you attract.When you show men that you have got a booty,they will pursue you by all means,after they have had enough of you,they will move on since there is always a greener pasture near your own.Be proud to be a woman and show you have more to offer than just a booty.
The other type of annoying women are those who attend Maina Kageni's church.These are grown up women who love Maina to bits and will open up to him on and about any personal issue;how candidly they get with such a bachelor who has never tested the waters of marriage is beyond my explanation.They call him with all manners of complaints and allegations about their bedroom issues.Come on,no one will help you save your marriage just because you wash your dirty linen in public.For your information,you are only giving Maina publicity and fattening his wallet by day,while you continue wallowing in your trivial issues.No man will want a cry baby and a desperate woman for that matter.
And for the other lot who like busting their hubbies and then crying out loud after they get to know the truth,come on ditch marriage that is not where you belong.You get what you ask for,and most of the time you know the truth and you just want to prove it.
The next slot goes to women who like taking nude photos,and here i mean voluntary,with their lovers and then when love goes sour and their photos are posted on the internet,they cry foul.Well i know there are some dishonest imbeciles there who are out to torture especially rich ,older women.The case of Farida Karoney is a good example;you get someone who you think is in for it for the good of both of you,just to discover he has other self enriching motives.That is so selfish and we will need to see more stricter policies on such publication if we have to trust the socia media and the internet family as a whole.But if that is not the case,women unless the man in question is your LAWFULLY married husband,do not agree to anything sinister.You can even make sure that all electronic gadgets are switched off before you start anything.
Lastly but not least,the DCJ/Kerubo saga has discredited women ,somehow or so to say.Now we can easily hear the null hypothesis that women are their own worst enemies being validated everywhere.But that should not dishearten our spirit.This would happen to any human regardless of gender,and for those men blaming it on our hormones,let them shut up because we know them much better;we have seen how they treat women lowly even in parliament,i once overheard Hon. Gumo saying 'huyo mwanamke' while referring to Hon. Cecily Mbarire.We know they are the worst when it comes to this.Its my hope that a solution will be reached at which will be for the good of both women.
And to women like Hon Ngilu who display women weaknesses such as unwillingness to forgive,all i can say is you are capable of doing much better.
Let us not allow to be associated with emotions;women are becoming movers and shakers and thats what we want to be appreciated for;brains and beauty.
Lovely day my fellow women.
Well,i'd be justified to do since i haven't blogged since November last year.Welcome back to my blog and let us continue calling it as we see it even in 2012.
The year has started on a rather sad note for Kenyan women or should we call it 2012 The Year of the Kenyan Woman?Being a woman,i have noted that there are some serious annoying traits that need to be discarded if we still have to retain our dignity as women.

Then there is the second lot of desperate women who are out to prove gender or should i call it SEXUAL REVOLUTION?This women are doing all in their means to compete and undertake men.They say what a man can do,a woman can do even better.They are always out there struggling to outdo men,from the way they walk,the car they drive,the number of bars they frequent and the Ruaraka waters that they can gulp.Now,who lied to them that to be a feminist you have got to behave like a man?You can still be a woman who is better than a man without competition.For heavenly sake stop this crazy revolution.

The other type of annoying women are those who attend Maina Kageni's church.These are grown up women who love Maina to bits and will open up to him on and about any personal issue;how candidly they get with such a bachelor who has never tested the waters of marriage is beyond my explanation.They call him with all manners of complaints and allegations about their bedroom issues.Come on,no one will help you save your marriage just because you wash your dirty linen in public.For your information,you are only giving Maina publicity and fattening his wallet by day,while you continue wallowing in your trivial issues.No man will want a cry baby and a desperate woman for that matter.
And for the other lot who like busting their hubbies and then crying out loud after they get to know the truth,come on ditch marriage that is not where you belong.You get what you ask for,and most of the time you know the truth and you just want to prove it.

Lastly but not least,the DCJ/Kerubo saga has discredited women ,somehow or so to say.Now we can easily hear the null hypothesis that women are their own worst enemies being validated everywhere.But that should not dishearten our spirit.This would happen to any human regardless of gender,and for those men blaming it on our hormones,let them shut up because we know them much better;we have seen how they treat women lowly even in parliament,i once overheard Hon. Gumo saying 'huyo mwanamke' while referring to Hon. Cecily Mbarire.We know they are the worst when it comes to this.Its my hope that a solution will be reached at which will be for the good of both women.
And to women like Hon Ngilu who display women weaknesses such as unwillingness to forgive,all i can say is you are capable of doing much better.
Let us not allow to be associated with emotions;women are becoming movers and shakers and thats what we want to be appreciated for;brains and beauty.
Lovely day my fellow women.