Confucius Confusion
I am not afraid when i am not understood,but i would be very worried if i did not understand others.Confucius 551-479 BCE
I always make this joke that just 10 years ago,American parents wanting to motivate their children to eat would tell them,Darling,finish your plate because if you dont,a child from India/China will take it, Today,the same parents are telling their children,Please Darling stick to your job because if you do not,someone in China is waiting to take it. How things change.
Currently in my Campus, 60% of International students are from China,and about 12% from the rest of Asia.I am pretty sure that less than five years from today,the College will purely have a Chinese population,not here to study Science,but Business Courses and learning foreign languages. I have not been to China but from the little i have gathered from my Chinese Collegemates, very few foreigners dare do their studies in China,not even a semester on Exchange is attractive enough to woo young scholars.
Recently,Barrack Obama has initiated a project called a 100,000 strong,where American Campuses aim at sending 100,000 American students to study in China for four years.This was after US of A and other Nations discovered how much they were missing out with not learning about the Chinese Languages and Culture.China is not only important today as a major economic power but also as a major world cultural power.In as much as Nations try to backlash China and predict its nigh downfall,this great Nation is playing and will continue playing a great and influential role in shaping future global paths and communities.
China and most Asian countries are viewed as closed societies.For many years,people have lived with the belief that these societies are not like us,they seem so complicated in minds of many and hence the reasons why noone seemed to be willing to test the waters over there.But not anymore.

Also being embraced by the rest of the world is the Ancient Chinese Religion/ Philosophy of King Fozi/ Confucius. When in the Western world people have been guided by religion especially Christianity,China has embarked on the teachings of the flawless sage,which stresses on moral,social,political and religious teachings.In this context,people are expected to live in harmony with others,to respect others, live and let live.It stresses on morals and aims at making people saints,scholars and gentlemen at the same time.People work together for a common good.
In the west,religious teachings that stress on working hard and loving others as thou lovst themselves does not seem to be doing great. Individuals are concerned and consumed by materialism,to work hard, to attain more and more for themselves.A joke is always told of American Billionaires who act unorthodoxically and unethically in young age e,g through practicing child labour and acquiring wealth through ungodly ways and later converting to saints by becoming donors in their older life,as if to please God since they are a few days to meeting Him if not giving back to the community.
In the west,personal relationships do not count,a superficial talk and a loose handshake then a quick talk and a deal is made.In China,guanxi as they are called are very important.
As China Phobia continues to hold many at ransom,the demand for of Chinese language,culture and teachings is skyrocketing.Its estimated that by last year, a 100 Million people outside China were learning Chinese and about 500 Confucius Institutes had been established through out the world.With Chinese languages and Cultural programs spreading as fast as they are doing,and with their economic prowess placing them second largest economy after the US,I am foreseeing a future world where the Chinese will rule,economically and culturally,globally.

Currently in my Campus, 60% of International students are from China,and about 12% from the rest of Asia.I am pretty sure that less than five years from today,the College will purely have a Chinese population,not here to study Science,but Business Courses and learning foreign languages. I have not been to China but from the little i have gathered from my Chinese Collegemates, very few foreigners dare do their studies in China,not even a semester on Exchange is attractive enough to woo young scholars.
Recently,Barrack Obama has initiated a project called a 100,000 strong,where American Campuses aim at sending 100,000 American students to study in China for four years.This was after US of A and other Nations discovered how much they were missing out with not learning about the Chinese Languages and Culture.China is not only important today as a major economic power but also as a major world cultural power.In as much as Nations try to backlash China and predict its nigh downfall,this great Nation is playing and will continue playing a great and influential role in shaping future global paths and communities.
China and most Asian countries are viewed as closed societies.For many years,people have lived with the belief that these societies are not like us,they seem so complicated in minds of many and hence the reasons why noone seemed to be willing to test the waters over there.But not anymore.

Also being embraced by the rest of the world is the Ancient Chinese Religion/ Philosophy of King Fozi/ Confucius. When in the Western world people have been guided by religion especially Christianity,China has embarked on the teachings of the flawless sage,which stresses on moral,social,political and religious teachings.In this context,people are expected to live in harmony with others,to respect others, live and let live.It stresses on morals and aims at making people saints,scholars and gentlemen at the same time.People work together for a common good.
In the west,religious teachings that stress on working hard and loving others as thou lovst themselves does not seem to be doing great. Individuals are concerned and consumed by materialism,to work hard, to attain more and more for themselves.A joke is always told of American Billionaires who act unorthodoxically and unethically in young age e,g through practicing child labour and acquiring wealth through ungodly ways and later converting to saints by becoming donors in their older life,as if to please God since they are a few days to meeting Him if not giving back to the community.
In the west,personal relationships do not count,a superficial talk and a loose handshake then a quick talk and a deal is made.In China,guanxi as they are called are very important.
As China Phobia continues to hold many at ransom,the demand for of Chinese language,culture and teachings is skyrocketing.Its estimated that by last year, a 100 Million people outside China were learning Chinese and about 500 Confucius Institutes had been established through out the world.With Chinese languages and Cultural programs spreading as fast as they are doing,and with their economic prowess placing them second largest economy after the US,I am foreseeing a future world where the Chinese will rule,economically and culturally,globally.