Happy Birthday Kenyan CEO

Kenyans are really wonderful people.Besides boasting of one of the best well educated human capital in Africa,we also have probably the best innovative and smart brains.As i have mentioned earlier in my blogs,many Kenyans have been working with genius Companies such as Apple and not forgetting one of our own,Liz Mucheru who almost made it on the Apprentice
Today,our funny,somehow laid back President is turning 80,and what has Kenyans done?The have composed him a birthday song or poem or whatever they may call it.This poem has been doing rounds on the web since this  afternoon,and it has a full message that Ubako should receive on such a day.If you haven't seen it,here it goes;

Happy Birthday Mwai Kibaki may you live to blow 1001 candles.
too bad we can't bake you a cake, the gas is finished n price doubled
too bad we can't cook you stew, kerosene imepanda mbaya
too bad we can't come visit, the fare just got hiked,
too bad we can't call you, calling rates zimepanda, 
too bad we can't invite you over, nyumba yetu ya Syokimau ilibomolewa.
Have a great one though.

Now that the guy  is  techno-savvy,i hope he gets to read the message and in case he needs a translation,he will be in for a shock since the intellectuals of literature are currently on strike.

Other things that we need to thank this guy for during his tenure is among others is his 'Laissez faire' management  attitude that he has been using.Being an economist,he seems to trust so much in traditional economics,in hope that things will get better by themselves.Talk of the 'invisible hand'
It is also during his tenure that the country experienced the worst ethnic violence during the PEV.Due to his carefree attitude,the country went up in flames and that not withstanding,he agreed to a coalition government which has raped and maimed what was left of the country after the PEV.

It is also during his tenure that Kenya was opened for Chinese investors who are doing more harm than good.Whatever the guy promised them so that they  can contribute to building infrastructure as fast as they are doing it remains a mystery.Perhaps the results will be seen soon,when China's half of the population settle in Kenya,after all,its China that is building Kenya.

Now that i am forbidden from speaking anything bad about anyone who is old enough to be my father,let me not go further since Ubako is old enought to be my grandfather,but not before i say,the hole that Kibaki plunged us into is deep enough and we need a Moses to to take us out of this dingy hole.

Happy Birthday Mwai wa Kibaki


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