Confucius Confusion

I am not afraid when i am not understood,but i would be very worried if i did not understand others . Confucius 551-479 BCE I always make this joke that just 10 years ago,American parents wanting to motivate their children to eat would tell them, Darling,finish your plate because if you dont,a child from India/China will take it , Today,the same parents are telling their children, Please Darling stick to your job because if you do not,someone in China is waiting to take it . How things change. Currently in my Campus, 60% of International students are from China,and about 12% from the rest of Asia.I am pretty sure that less than five years from today,the College will purely have a Chinese population,not here to study Science,but Business Courses and learning foreign languages. I have not been to China but from the little i have gathered from my Chinese Collegemates, very few foreigners dare do their studies in China,not even a semester on Exchange is attractiv...