The Kenyan Diaspora Has Been Trivialized And Treated As A Side-line
I am writing this as I try to overcome the shock I got a few weeks ago after learning that the Diaspora desk had been ‘reduced and fitted in’ with the Digital and New Media in the newly created Presidential Strategic Communications Unit (PSCU) whose appointees are an all man team of popular journalists and social bloggers. Being a woman, I should have been more disappointed with the gender misrepresentation since no woman was appointed to the PSCU team (of five men), even when the constitution is black and white on the one third gender rule. It seems that women empowerment is not an issue of concern to the Presidency, and as a result, for the next five years, women will stay away from a platform that would’ve allowed them to air their issues, despite their significant media, communications and public relations presence. But what shocked me most was the appointment of one Denis Itumbi as the Director of Digital, New Media and Diaspora affairs. I have no issues with hi...