Before You Relocate.....You May Have To Consider.

Lately,there are rising cases of young Kenyans seeking any possible way to relocate abroad citing economic problems and lack of opportunities in the country. This is coming at a time when the US is working on its immigration reforms, which may see the abolishment of the Green card lottery. Many Kenyans see this as a nip in the bud for their hope of living the American dream in the land of opportunity. This need to emigrate is also coming at a time when cases of human rights violations and even death of Kenyan domestic workers in the Middle East are rising. Only yesterday, a Kenyan woman who had been hired as a domestic worker to work in Saudi Arabia was rescued from what is believed to be human trafficking by a Saudi princess.In March last year, a Kenyan woman, Esther Wanjiru Mwikamba, 26, succumbed to death in the United Arab Emirates a month after a brutal beating in a Dubai parking lot. These are just a few of the many horrible stories that we get to hear every day, ...