Is The 'Dynamic Duo' Of UhuRuto Your Guys Next Door?

A few days ago, a Hong Kong newspaper wrote that the new Chinese President, President Xi Jinping had taken a cab/taxi in Beijing last month. The taxi driver Mr. Guo Lixin said that he picked up two men, one of them Xi Jinping,then the head of the Communist Party who was l to be elected as the Chinese President two weeks later.Guo claimed that he chatted with the President for some time, and the topic of discussion was air pollution.Guo then made a remark to the passenger who was sitting next to him, "Has anyone ever told you that you look like general secretary Xi?" and he replied, "You are the first taxi driver to recognize me." Later the newspaper and the government website pulled out the story from their websites explaining that the whole story was ‘fake’ This was seen as Public Relations stunt aimed at boosting the image of the new President, who wants to be portrayed as a humble, honest man with a common touch, unlike former leaders who are always...