Stop this Hatred Against Caroline Mutoko.
Life would never have been this better without internet, and more importantly social media. Today, almost everyone is completely connected and has a chance to create and share platforms with the world or, so to say, with people who share common interests. With the internet, we have a medium that allows us to social network and spice up our lives, which could be otherwise so miserable. While we are happy with social networking, it is important to ask ourselves the question whether we are willing to be the same person, online as offline, or whether we want to have two personalities; online and offline. It is a kind of a dilemma, since it is hard to be fake (being someone you are not), or having to share each and every aspect of one’s life, even private, on social media. It is therefore a personal choice to choose what kind of a person they want to be online. If one feels comfortable sharing their true selves with the whole world or to be less open, it is wise to do so knowing that th...